Potential investors visit gate.ruhr

gate.ruhr is a unique opportunity: for committed companies, the economy and the people in the region. The planned location for industry and commerce has plenty of potential. Interested investors were once again able to see this for themselves during the “Investor Tour Ruhr”.
1,000 new jobs
More than 1,000 new jobs are to be created in Marl on the 90-hectare former coal mining site. gate.ruhr is making a sustainable contribution to securing employment along the rivers Emscher and Lippe in this way. In a first step, gate.ruhr GmbH, founded by the city of Marl and RAG MI, is developing a part of the area totalling 12.5 ha.
“Important project for the future”
“We see gate.ruhr as an important future project for Marl and the Emscher-Lippe region,” says Head of business development for Stadt Marl, Dr Manfred Gehrke. “Together with RAG MI and all regional stakeholders we want to make an effective contribution to pushing structural change in the coming years and create up to 1,000 new jobs that are urgently needed in the northern Ruhr region.”
Continuous dialogue
This was the fourth time that Business Metropole Ruhr, Stony Real Estate Capital and the economic development agencies of the cities had invited participants to the tour. The aim is to bring investors from the real estate and location development sector into dialogue with municipalities and site owners in order to promote the marketing of commercial locations.
Complete success – despite Covid
Even though only a limited number of participants was possible due to the Corona requirements, the organisers consider the event a complete success. “The investor tour gave us another opportunity to establish close contacts, to present our region as an interesting business location for potential investors and to present exciting development sites together with the municipalities,” said County Comissioner Bodo Klimpel.
Innovative urban district
During the Metropole Ruhr’s “Investor Tour Ruhr”, gate.ruhr in Marl, Neue Zeche Westerholt in Herten and Blumenthal in Recklinghausen were three exciting and attractive business locations in the administrative district of Recklinghausen that were directly in the focus of interested investors.
In addition to gate.ruhr in Marl, Neue Zeche Westerholt in Herten is to be developed into an innovative urban quarter with historical charm for residential, service and commercial use as well as a location for research, education and leisure activities.
Medical and biotechnology
The marketing of the 9-hectare Blumenthal commercial site in Recklinghausen focuses on the areas of knowledge-intensive and business-related services, media production, research and development as well as medical and biotechnology.