14. November 2017 | Rubriken: Uncategorized


„AV 3/7“ – which stands for Auguste Victoria 3/7 – becomes gate.ruhr: The development of the new Victoria is progressing big forward steps. The structural plan has already finalised, as well as an innovative concept to restore the area, where the Northern sector of the former coal mining site will be developed into an industrial and business location at record speed. The site is attracting a lot of interest amongst potential investors: „We get a lot of inquiries at the moment“, says Marl’s Lord Mayor, Werner Arndt. „Which is why we are keeping to our ambitious schedule and are beginning the development in the Northern part of the site.“

Under the new name gate.ruhr,  the city council and the RAG Montan Immobilien GmbH  will turn the former site of the coal mine Auguste Victoria into an industrial and business location at record speed. Volker Duddek, project manager for RAG Montan Immobilien GmbH, who is responsible – as infrastructural developer of the coal mining company RAG – for the revitalisation of the coal mining site, insists: „We – as the property branch of the RAG – are keeping our word when it comes to not leaving scorched earth behind at the former coal mining locations. We are doing everything in our power to establish the structural change in Marl promptly and on a sustainable level. More than a dozen surveyor teams are working on the second part of the feasibility study.“


Kick-off in the North

The structural plan for the 90-hectare area, divided up in four separate sites, is already finalised. In the plan, the first step prioritises the development of the Northern half of gate.ruhr, as promptly as possible. The harbour area, a certain part of the stuck pile as well as the power station location is planned for reconstruction and will be made available by 2020 as an industrial and business location. „According to current surveys, we expect to be able to establish industry, finishing, wholesale trade and logistics, all with a high relevancy in the employment market, here“, says Dr Manfred Gehrke, head of economic promotion at the city council. Particularly interesting for investors: the trimodal traffic connection. „The direct access to the Wesel-Datteln-Kanal offers an excellent infrastructure for investors“, Gehrke said.


Coal mining segment will still be used by the RAG

The coal mining segment in the South of the site, where existing buildings remain, is currently still in use by the coal mining industry, as a storage area for the still active coal mine Prosper Haniel in Bottrop. Also, the discussion about the mine drainage water has not yet been resolved. „With the help of a two-part structural plan we can avoid time loss, because we can start restructuring in the North in the short-term“, according to Dr Manfred Gehrke. „The goal remains the same: gate.ruhr has to become the fastest developed former fallow coal mine fallow in the Ruhr Valley.“


New traffic concept for gate.ruhr

The very attractiveness of the location at Marl requires a revision of the traffic planning. The reason: The Metro Group is currently building a logistical distribution centre west of the chemical plant, which will be operational this year.  Step by step, 1,000 jobs will be created, gate.ruhr can add another 1,000 jobs to that calculation. These are measures which make a new traffic concept necessary: Originally it was planned to access gate.ruhr via Nordstraße, through the chemical plant. This option is not available any longer, due to the location of the Metro logistical distribution centre. „Therefore, we have commissioned a new traffic survey,“ says Marl’s Lord Mayor Werner Arndt.