
Potential investors visit

8. September 2021 | Rubriken: Uncategorized

Investoren, Entwickler und Planer besichtigten bei ihrer Tour durch den Kreis Recklinghausen mehr als 140 Hektar ehemalige Zechengelände, die zu modernen Gewerbestandorten entwickelt werden. Auf dem Foto ist die Gruppe in Marl bei zu sehen. Hier gab es Informationen aus erster Hand von Wirtschaftsförderer Dr. Manfred Gehrke (2.v.l.). Foto: Stadt Marl / A. Chrost
Investors, developers and planners visited more than 140 hectares of former mining sites that are being developed into modern commercial locations during their tour of the administrative district of Recklinghausen. The photo shows the group in Marl at Here they receive first-hand information from the Head of business development for the city of Marl, Dr Manfred Gehrke (2nd from left). Foto: City of Marl / A. Chrost is a unique opportunity: for committed companies, the economy and the people in the region. The planned location for industry and commerce has plenty of potential. Interested investors were once again able to see this for themselves during the “Investor Tour Ruhr”.